I want to introduce you to Neil Gat – he’s a Program Manager on my team and he’s gotten quite good at is writing multi-VM ARM Templates. We were talking a while back about Azure Resource Manager templates and how you can use our QuickStart Template Gallery as a “hacking ground” to learn about the format and function of templates. We’re missing some companion documentation to guide you through these, but it’s evolved into more of a gallery of samples that can be the seed of knowledge you can use to create your own templates for your various projects.
I have been working with the Azure team for 6 months now (wow – that long?) and have had plenty of hallway conversations. Some topics I can talk about, others I can’t. These usually end up in my “I should write about that” OneNote file and inevitably get filed away for another time. This one came up as a challenge from me to him… “What about learning to write a template from SCRATCH”? Can it be done?
Neil decided to take up the challenge and he recorded a quick video on it to share.
What do you think… not a bad introduction to Azure Resource Manager templates, eh? I’ve got a few more resources to share here on ARM templates:
- “The Ops Team” did a topic on ARM and the importance of it all on their show.
- There is an MVA course on Azure Resource Manager
I hope you find this helpful.If you have suggestions for more of them – just give me a shout in the comments section.
P.S. I’ve been reviewing the posts on here lately and honestly – there have NOT been many text posts at all – most have been supporting my video side of things “Tuesdays with Corey”. I honestly DO like to write, so I’m going to make a conscious effort to kick these posts up more frequently.