A while back Corey Sanders and Cameron Rogers created a video series called “Tuesdays With Corey” which was featured on Facebook – usually every Tuesday. It was good fun, informal and short bite sized chunks of info. As with most regular video episodes, as time progressed – it got harder and harder to get these out on a regular basis. I sit in meetings with Corey every week where he would get asked about kicking this thing off again – so I approached him about rebooting the series and offered to help produce these on a more regular basis.
Same format, same “gorilla style” shooting – only change is hopefully some better audio and hosting the files on Channel 9.
Well…. what do you think?
The plan is to have these ready to go and you’ll see the episodes up on Facebook and socialized on a variety of networks on Tuesdays – starting on March 17th… I’ll post them here as well.
Got any questions? Any things you’d like to know or see about Azure? Use the comments here or tweet out using the #AzureTwC hashtag.